Wednesday, November 19, 2008


My first blog entry. Who comes up with these names?

Blog. What happened to "A" log?

Here we all are writing in our blogs hoping that maybe someone will think we have something interesting to say.
I guess it's good therapy.
Used to be called a "Diary" but it was very personal.
Secrets you kept and no one should ever read.
Now it's open to the entire world wide web.
I guess you need to be careful what you write about. Too much personal info and pretty soon you get your identity stolen.

Anyway, today is my birthday. Big deal! When you are as old as I am,
(_ _ years)
it's more of a milestone. I never thought I would be this old.
It sure doesn't feel like what I thought it would feel like.
I expected to be dead by now! Not really. I hope to have a long and healthy life. If I can make it this far, without being on any meds and relatively in good shape. (a pear is a good shape, right?)
I guess I can go a while longer.
But you never know. Life is unpredictable. The one constant in life is that it always changes.
I look at it like chapters in a book. The chapter I am in now is called "Colorado"
The "Bay Area" chapter is now closed. So far the story has been kind of boring. Not what I had hoped it would be. I really didn't know what to expect.
It started off pretty good but I realized that people who say one thing and live their life another way are the kind of people I don't want to associate with.
I include myself in that statement. I was a hypocrite. Trying to be one way and pretending but knowing I wasn't who I pretended to be.
More on this later.
I'm all Blaaaahged out right now.

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